Low Carb Key West Crab Cakes with Mustard Sauce


One of our Fat-Burning Machine students sent this recipe for low-carb crab cakes. The recipe is from The Food Network. I don’t know about substituting other types of crabmeat for blue crab.

If you try the recipe and make any substitutions, it let us know how it goes.


1 pound blue crabmeat

1 tablespoon small diced red bell pepper

1 tablespoon small diced green bell pepper

1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh parsley leaves

1 tablespoon heavy mayonnaise

2 eggs

1 tablespoon baking powder

1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

1 1/2 teaspoons Maryland-style crab seasoning (recommended: Old Bay)

2 tablespoons canola oil

Mustard Sauce, recipe below



In a large bowl, mix all ingredients, except…Read More »

Strategies for People that Serve You Too Much Love. Food-Pushers.


In my Accelerated Fat-Burning Machine class, we discuss strategies to avoid or remedy, moments when a family or friend serves you food. Sometimes the food is something you’d prefer not to eat at all. Other times, it’s just far too much food.  These people use food as a showing of love, and they love you a lot! I call them food-pushers.

Many times, we don’t want to hurt the feelings of the food-pusher, so we go ahead and consume the serving – all of it. In the end, we are miserable and unhappy after consuming the giant portion.

If this happens to you,…Read More »

Be a Sugar Detective


In addition to looking at the ingredient list for added sugar, check the grams of sugar per serving size on the nutrition label. Divide the grams of sugar by 4 and you can determine how many teaspoons of sugar are present in a single serving.

Sugar is added to many, many pre-packaged foods. You might not guess that there is sugar in your blue cheese dressing, your soup or your pasta sauce.

Never assume any processed food is sugar-free until you verify for yourself.

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Ask Gale: What Is a High-Fat Diet?



In 2014 and early 2015 when we were working on refining what would become the book “Become a Fat-Burning Machine,” the medical community defined a “high-fat diet” as a diet that contains over 30 percent of the calories as fat. (See reference below.) Even when the book was published in late 2015, people were still on the bandwagon that touted low-carb and low-calorie diets as the optimal solution for weight loss and good health.

Wow, a lot has changed in the last two years!

Now, it is mainstream knowledge that diets high in sugar and refined carbohydrates are contributors to obesity,…Read More »

5 Ways to Know Which Diet is Best for You


A quick search of the term “diet books” on Amazon yields 240,820 results. No wonder people have a hard time trying to figure out what diet is best. I think it is fair to say that there isn’t one diet that is best for every person on the planet. But how do you know what diet is best for you?

In this column are five ways to know if any particular diet is good for you.

  1. A Diet That’s Not a Diet

If you want long-term, sustainable results, you don’t need a quick-fix diet. Rather, you’re looking for an eating plan (a…Read More »

 Homemade Balsamic Dressing


Below is a nice recipe share from Peggy Wessels Stark. She posted it on the Facebook page and I thought it should be shared here as well.

Peggy wrote, “I have a salad dressing recipe that I’ve created that others might enjoy. It goes well with any protein added to your salads.”

Balsamic Dressing:
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 water
1 Tbsp. Mrs. Dash Original Seasoning
1/2 tsp. salt
2-3 Tbsp. yellow prepared mustard (gives dressing a sauce like texture along with the flavor)
1 tsp. crushed garlic
Add fine pepper to taste
Blend vigorously with a whip.

Store in jar at room temperature.
Shake before using again.

Thanks Peggy!


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What are the Differences Between Paleo, Keto and Fat-Burning Machine Diets?


I know the differences between different diets can be confusing. I thought the easiest way to look at the differences between three of the most popular eating plans is to put them on a chart.

The food category is the left column of the chart, then each eating program is across the top of the chart. The differences between each eating program is marked by allowed, excluded (or not allowed) and limited.

You will notice the only item on the chart that is excluded from the Fat-Burning Machine program is sugar. There are six other categories that are considered limited. Let me…Read More »

How to Enjoy Thanksgiving Without Eating a Cup of Sugar


The Thanksgiving meal is a wonderful time to enjoy family and friends. The social aspects of the day are certainly most important – much more important than consuming large and uncomfortable quantities of food.

Participants in my Fat-Burning Machine class were shocked to know that people eating a typical Thanksgiving meal will consume nearly a cup of sugar.  A cup! They were also surprised to know that with some modifications, they could still enjoy wine, pie and whipped cream.

I’m attaching a chart below that details the amount of fat, carbohydrate, sugar, protein and calories in a typical Thanksgiving meal. Below the…Read More »

The Dangers of a High Sugar Diet – Visual and Graphic


(Forewarned. There are graphic images of the damage sugar causes to human limbs. Continue at your own discretion.)

Before getting into the column, I have to tell you that I thought long and hard about posting this column. This is not my typical column content. At the same time, I felt the need to be bluntly honest about the risks of excess sugar consumption. I wanted the same bluntness that occurs with the risks of smoking.

When I was in grade school, I remember having presentations on the dangers of smoking. Instructors would bring glass boxes into class. One box contained…Read More »

Yogurt Labels – How You can be Mislead by Serving Size and Calories


In a previous post I compared two yogurt labels, different brands, where both serving sizes were 1 cup. One of the yogurts had nearly seven teaspoons of sugar in it!

In today’s post, I want to compare three yogurts from the same company – Dannon. The first yogurt is the Activia fat-free blueberry flavor, the second one is the plain whole milk, and the final one is whole fat plain Greek yogurt.

The first thing I find incredibly annoying and misleading is that the serving size for the Activa is 4 ounces, while the other two yogurts have serving sizes of…Read More »