What are the Differences Between Paleo, Keto and Fat-Burning Machine Diets?


I know the differences between different diets can be confusing. I thought the easiest way to look at the differences between three of the most popular eating plans is to put them on a chart.

The food category is the left column of the chart, then each eating program is across the top of the chart. The differences between each eating program is marked by allowed, excluded (or not allowed) and limited.

You will notice the only item on the chart that is excluded from the Fat-Burning Machine program is sugar. There are six other categories that are considered limited. Let me…Read More »

The Dangers of a High Sugar Diet – Visual and Graphic


(Forewarned. There are graphic images of the damage sugar causes to human limbs. Continue at your own discretion.)

Before getting into the column, I have to tell you that I thought long and hard about posting this column. This is not my typical column content. At the same time, I felt the need to be bluntly honest about the risks of excess sugar consumption. I wanted the same bluntness that occurs with the risks of smoking.

When I was in grade school, I remember having presentations on the dangers of smoking. Instructors would bring glass boxes into class. One box contained…Read More »

Yogurt Labels – How You can be Mislead by Serving Size and Calories


In a previous post I compared two yogurt labels, different brands, where both serving sizes were 1 cup. One of the yogurts had nearly seven teaspoons of sugar in it!

In today’s post, I want to compare three yogurts from the same company – Dannon. The first yogurt is the Activia fat-free blueberry flavor, the second one is the plain whole milk, and the final one is whole fat plain Greek yogurt.

The first thing I find incredibly annoying and misleading is that the serving size for the Activa is 4 ounces, while the other two yogurts have serving sizes of…Read More »

Fat-Burning Machine is Going Live!

I’m excited to let you know that I’m going to do live training! It is an Accelerated Fat-Burning Machine course that lasts for 10 weeks. Let me know if there is a time that works best for you. (Survey link at the bottom.)

Over the last couple of years, I’ve done live training courses for local people. While the book is a great resource, I have found that many people want more guidance – a step-by-step plan with “bite-sized goals” to become a Fat-Burning Machine. Additionally people want to have a trusted source for questions. The most asked questions include those…Read More »

Food Labels can be off by 20 Percent


If you once were, or still are, a calorie-counter you may be surprised to know that food labels are allowed to be off by as much as 20%. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Nutrition Labeling Guide notes that for calories, sugars, total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium, food manufacturers are considered in compliance if they are within 20% of the value shown on the label.

For example, if you select a packaged snack that contains 100 calories – that snack could contain up to 120 calories and still be within federal labeling guidelines. A 150-calorie snack could contain…Read More »

Is the Fat-Burning Machine Method Optimal for Treating Metabolic Disease?     


When I read that researchers at the Universities of British Columbia and Toronto in Canada proposed that restricting carbohydrates and combining this eating strategy with high-intensity interval training (Miracle Intervals), I was thrilled.

Three years ago when we were working on the Fat-Burning Machine methodology, we knew of no one that was combining an eating strategy with exercise. After we saw success with Mike and then participants in two pilot programs, I tried to get a university to study the Fat-Burning Machine one-two punch. I couldn’t get anyone to take on the project.

Now, Canadian researchers are hypothesizing that the very…Read More »

HOW much sugar has been added to that yogurt? Nearly 7 teaspoons in a cup?!   


I went to a breakfast buffet this morning and like normal, I read the labels on two containers of yogurt. The one on the left is non-fat plain. The one on the right is full-fat honey flavor.

The one on the left has 6 grams of sugars in a cup. Those sugars come from milk’s naturally occurring sugars – lactose. The one on the right has a whopping 33 grams of sugars. If we pull out the 6 grams of naturally occurring sugars in one cup of plain yogurt, that means 27 grams of sugar has been added to the honey…Read More »

Sugar increases non-alcoholic fatty liver disease


People that consume little to no alcohol can still get fatty liver disease. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a term for a range of conditions that result in too much fat stored in liver cells. One of the most serious forms of the disease is non-alcoholic steatohepatitis marked by liver inflammation that can progress to scarring and irreversible damage. At the most serious stage, steatohepatitis can progress to cirrhosis and liver failure.

In a University of Surrey study, researchers looked at two groups of men – one group with low levels of liver fat and a second group that had…Read More »

Does eating in the evening cause weight gain?

In my Fat-Burning Machine class, I cover much more about the hormone insulin than I had room to cover in the book. If you’ve been reading my columns, you know that insulin is nicknamed “the fat-storing hormone.” By eliminating big spikes or large volumes of insulin release, we can coax our bodies into burning fat. There are several ways to do this and I cover many of these strategies right here in my columns and the newsletter (be sure to sign-up for the newsletter.)

One question that comes up frequently is, “Does night eating cause weight gain?” Great question.

I’ll…Read More »