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Linda Kennedy

kenco_portrait-110920-0118-small-editsBefore starting the Fat-Burning Machine Diet Plan, I considered myself a pretty healthy person. I would eat the recommended fruits & veggies per day, eat mostly lean meats, and exercise regularly. I exercised some 6 to 10 hours a week doing cycling, weights and yoga. But – I was always hungry and struggling because my weight was slowly creeping up. No matter what I tried, I couldn’t seem to get down to my “fighting weight.”

Then along came Gale Bernhardt, Mike Berland and the Fat Burning Machine Diet. After implementing the Fat-Burning Machine program, my weight loss was slow but steady. I’ve lost 10 pounds after 4 months with no major change to my exercise level or total calorie intake. More importantly, I am more satisfied after meals and I don’t have the sugar-hunger cravings that plagued my old diet. I really enjoy eating the Fat-Burning way. My taste buds have changed and I now enjoy much more flavor in all the foods I eat — especially fruit. This is a sustainable nutrition plan versus a “diet,” as I don’t feel deprived.  After seven months on the plan, I am slowly making progress toward all my health goals — heart health, weight maintenance and athletic performance — and I see this as a permanent, enjoyable lifestyle change.



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  1. Pingback: Ratatouille Recipe - Fat-Burning Machine™ Accelerated Weight Loss Program

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