Sugar and highly refined carbohydrates affect our waistlines, emotions, cravings and behaviors. Some of us are not aware of how powerful these foods can be – we only experience the results. Take this short quiz to see if you might be addicted to sugar and refined carbohydrates. After each question, select the answer that fits you best. Total the numbers to get a value between 10 and 30.
A. How often do you crave refined carbohydrates or sugary items like pastries, cookies, candy, white rice, soda, smoothies, sugary coffee drinks, pasta and bread?
- Rarely or never
- Occasionally
- Daily
B. Do you ever hide sugary foods or eat them when no one else is watching?
- Rarely or never
- Occasionally
- Daily
C. Do you eat when you’re not really hungry, but because you’re having a food-craving (usually a high-carb or sugary food?)
- Rarely or never
- Occasionally
- Daily
D. How often do you eat sugary foods or drink sugary beverages? (This includes foods made with artificial sweeteners.)
- Rarely or never
- Occasionally
- Daily
E. How often does your breakfast include one or more of the following: baked goods, cereal with added sugars (yes, even granola), muffins, artificially sweetened yogurts, smoothies with added sugar or sweetened (including artificial sweeteners) coffee drinks?
- Rarely or never
- Occasionally
- Daily
F. Do you suffer from afternoon-nap-syndrome, mood swings, headaches or brain fog?
- Rarely or never
- Occasionally
- Daily
G. Do you stash or hide sugary foods to eat them later?
- Rarely or never
- Occasionally
- Daily
H. Do you ever feel guilty when indulging in high-carb or sugary foods and tell yourself “this is the last time.”
- Rarely or never
- Occasionally
- Daily
I. How often do you go out of your way to get something sugary or high-carb – like stopping at the store just to buy ice cream, cookies or candy?
- Rarely or never
- Occasionally
- Daily
J. How often do you feel completely powerless and unable to resist when faced with high-carbs or sugary foods?
- Rarely or never
- Occasionally
- Daily
Your total score
10 – 14
You are probably not addicted to sugar and your taste buds may be immune to sugar, highly refined carbohydrates and artificial sweeteners. Stay on the lookout though, hidden sugars exist in many foods labeled as “healthy.” Stay vigilant about reading food labels so that you are certain that your food isn’t laced with sugar.
15 – 20
The road to sugar addiction is a slippery slope. Right now it appears that you can control your sugar intake. You enjoy it on occasion, but cautious about going overboard. Know that there are loads of no-sugar foods that you can enjoy. Also, did you know that you can “train your palate” to enjoy foods that are not as sweet? Stay aware of any increases in your cravings for sweet or high-carb items. Increases in cravings can be a sign that you’re heading toward trouble.
21 – 30
Uh oh. Sugar and high-carb foods have got their claws in and are holding you hostage. The word “addict” is pretty strong – but – if you feel out of control around high-carb foods, are frequently tired, have aching joints and an expanding waistline no matter how many calories you cut out of your diet, it is time for a change. The Fat-Burning Machine program can help you – and stop the vicious cycle of willpower followed by food winning the battle. Take control and put an end to the frustration.