80 Names for Sugar

In one of my recent Fat Burning classes, each person brought in a processed, packaged food. I’m not talking about junk food like Twinkies – but foods that are marketed to seem “healthy.” One of the participants brought in a product that was given away in the goodie bag at a very popular race 10K race. The illusion for the consumer is “this product is healthy and good for athletes.”

What we did is examine the label for added sugar to the product. Using the 80 Names for Sugar as a guide, we found that five(!) different sugars…Read More »

11 Tips to Ignite Your Fat-Burning Machine

11 Tips to Ignite Your Fat-Burning Machine

Everything you learned about diet and weight loss might just be wrong. In fact, it could be keeping you fat, fatigued and frustrated. These 11 tips will help you flip your internal switch from fat-storing to Fat-Burning and help you break through the weight loss barriers caused by insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.

11 Fat-Burning Tips

1.     Slow down. Killer workouts don’t burn fat. Sustained intensity workouts, popular in most gyms today, will burn your easily available sugars, and not your stored fat. The result can be uncontrollable hunger — within hours — and a complete collapse of willpower leading to poor…Read More »